Sunday, October 5, 2008

Thing 2:Library 2.0

Today is a great day weather-wise to spend some time on the 23 Things. With Library 2.0, there certainly are a lot of things to think about here. Of primary importance: how do I utilize web 2.0 tools to reach my high school students and educate my teaching colleagues? I have a lot of work and exploration ahead of me on this one. I am excited about a couple of things Abram mentioned; Western Trails, GoogleReader (which I am currently working on) and Meebo. The other two articles were just more food for thought on how to begin incorporating Web 2.0 tools into librarianship.
I spent some time today setting up my GoodReads account (monimoni) and entering a few of the many books sitting on my book shelf: you can't believe how many I entered as "to read". I happen to have a scanner here that I use for doing hockey registration and it worked really well for reading ISBN numbers. Slick! I entered 46 book, 45 of which I have not read (some I have started, and lost track of where I was, others Ihaven't even cracked. I am a bit of a collector, but find little time to read. Might even have less as I embark on this 23 things thing. I then spent some time setting up googlereader in my igoogle account, and looking for some rss feeds of interest. Have Library Technology Trends and School Library Journal feeding in from our Gale database, yea!

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