Wednesday, January 15, 2014

23 Mobile Things: Thing 1

Reviving this old blog for the new 23 Things challenge feels like a challenge in itself.  It has been 5 years since the last entry and I really am relearning the Blogger platform since I didn't spend much time with the 23 Things Challenge.
My media colleagues and I have taken on this 23 Mobile Things challenge due to the direction our district is going with technology.  Since operating a 1-to-1 device program is expensive from a district owned equipment standpoint, we are strongly considering a BYOD approach to technology access. Many of our students already bring their own web capable device to school so this make the most sense for our financially strapped school district.
I advocate for device neutral applications for our students so am loving that 23Things Mobile is set up for iOS and Android users.  I will be using an iPad, but am also hoping to get my hands on an Android device to try the 23 Things in both OS. I think this will help ease teacher fears of not knowing the devices the students have in class--knowing that I have a bit of knowledge with both OS.  I believe I can reassure them that it doesn't matter the device because our applications are device neutral.
My goal is to get through two challenges a week to be done by the end of the school year. I will encourage our teachers to go through the 23 Things as well--just for the experience--as I think the BYOD program is going to happen sooner rather than later.

1 comment:

PatriciaP said...

Monica....aren't you a smart cookie for joining this program and encouraging your teachers to do the same. Welcome aboard....hope you have some fun along the way!

Patricia Post