Friday, January 24, 2014

23 Mobile Things: thing 2

I have been struggling to get this post done for iOS tips because I keep getting lost in exploring more with the iPhone and iPad. These really are amazing little machines. 
I have ha my iPhone (4s and now 5s) and have done little with Siri, but after reading the tips and tricks am getting more use out of it. Texting and setting up reminders or calendar events work really smoothly especially since I find typing on the small keyboard to be a bit of a challenge if I don't have my readers. 
I am still trying to figure out the shared links from Twitter to Safari as they are not appearing in my Safari. I suspect it is a setting that is not properly configured but I can't figure out which app is at the root of the problem
So many tips and tricks videos on YouTube-- can spend endless hours watching them. I also spent some time learning how to conserve battery life on the phone. 
Got my hands on a nexus 7 so will be learning that gadget too. I think this will be helpful when we officially become a BYOD school. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

23 Mobile Things: Thing 1

Reviving this old blog for the new 23 Things challenge feels like a challenge in itself.  It has been 5 years since the last entry and I really am relearning the Blogger platform since I didn't spend much time with the 23 Things Challenge.
My media colleagues and I have taken on this 23 Mobile Things challenge due to the direction our district is going with technology.  Since operating a 1-to-1 device program is expensive from a district owned equipment standpoint, we are strongly considering a BYOD approach to technology access. Many of our students already bring their own web capable device to school so this make the most sense for our financially strapped school district.
I advocate for device neutral applications for our students so am loving that 23Things Mobile is set up for iOS and Android users.  I will be using an iPad, but am also hoping to get my hands on an Android device to try the 23 Things in both OS. I think this will help ease teacher fears of not knowing the devices the students have in class--knowing that I have a bit of knowledge with both OS.  I believe I can reassure them that it doesn't matter the device because our applications are device neutral.
My goal is to get through two challenges a week to be done by the end of the school year. I will encourage our teachers to go through the 23 Things as well--just for the experience--as I think the BYOD program is going to happen sooner rather than later.